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Members' Books

Prof. ERNI, John Nguyet

Centre Director

  1. ​Erni, John N. & Striphas, Ted (eds.) (2022). The Cultural Politics of COVID-19. New York & London: Routledge.​

  2. Erni, John N. (2019). Law and Cultural Studies: A Critical Rearticulation of Human Rights.  New York & London:Routledge. Nominated for the International Communication Association Book Award.

  3. Erni, John N. (Ed.) (2017). Visuality, Emotions, and Minority Culture: Feeling Ethnic. Heidelberg: Springer.  In the “Humanities in Asia” series.

  4. Erni, John N. and Ho, Louis (Eds.) (2016).  (In)visible Colors: Images of Non-Chinese in Hong Kong Cinema, 1970s – 2010s.  Hong Kong: Cinezen

  5. Erni, John N. and Murphy, Terry (Eds.) (2015). Between Literary and Cultural Studies: Asian Explorations.  Singapore: Asia Research Institute (National University of Singapore).

  6. Ho, Louis, Fung, Anthony, Chow, Yiu Fai & Erni, John N. (2015). Fashioning the Male Professors. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing. In Chinese. 何建宗,馮應謙,周耀輝,陳錦榮《透視男教授》香港:三聯書店(香港)有限公司,2015.

  7. Erni, John N. and Leung, Lisa (2014). Understanding South Asian Minorities in Hong Kong.  Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.  * Translated into Chinese edition, published by Chung Hwa Publishing, 2016. 陳錦榮, 梁旭明《認識香港南亞少數族裔》香港:中華書局(香港)有限公司, 2016.  273 pages.

  8. Erni, John N. (Ed.) (2011).  Cultural Studies of Rights: Critical Articulations.  New York & London: Routledge. 

  9. Abbas, Ackbar & Erni, John N. (Eds.) (2005).  Internationalizing Cultural Studies: An Anthology.  Oxford, UK; Malden, Mass.; Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.  *Translated into Chinese edition, published by Peking University Press, June 2006.《國際文化研究選集》北京大學出版社, 2006.

  10. Erni, John N. & Chua Siew Keng (Eds.) (2005).  Asian Media Studies: Politics of Subjectivities.  Oxford, UK; Malden, Mass.; Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  11. Erni, John N. (1994). Unstable Frontiers: Technomedicine and the Cultural Politics of “Curing” AIDS.  Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 

Dr. CLAPP, Jeffrey

Associate Director

​Clapp, J., & Ridge, E. (Eds.). (2016). Security and Hospitality in Literature and Culture: Modern and Contemporary Perspectives. New York: Routledge.

Dr BAGULAYA, Jose Duke


  1. Bagulaya, J. D. (2022). ASEAN as an international organization: International law and region-building in Southeast Asia. Manila: The University of Santo Tomas Publishing House

  2. Bagulaya, J. D. (2017). Linara nga mga pulong: Mga Siday (Woven Words: Poems). Quezon City: The University of the Philippines Press.

  3. Bagulaya, J. D. (2006). Writing literary history: Mode of economic production and twentieth century Waray poetry. UP Press.

Dr. CHAN, Kit Wa Anita


  1. Tam, C.-O., Chan, A. K.-W., Cheng, E. C.-K., Rogers, J., & Tan, X. (Eds.). (2022). Teaching creative thinking skills in the higher education classroom: A guidebook for educators. Hong Kong: Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, The Education University of Hong Kong.

  2. 陳潔華、郭勤、方舒涵、梁皓然和潘曉盈(2022):《領養孩子的日常》,香港,香港教育大學社會科學系。

  3. ​Chan, A. & Choi, D. (2012).  The making of gender identities: Education and personal development.  Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press.  In Chinese.  陳潔華,蔡寶瓊《性別顯微鏡:教育與個人成長》香港: 香港城市大學出版社, 2012.

  4. Chan, A. & Choi, D. (2012).  Gender perspectives in education: Empirical research into schooling processes.  Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press.  In Chinese.  陳潔華,蔡寶瓊《教育的性別視角:課室與教學實證研究》香港: 香港城市大學出版社, 2012.

  5. Chan, A. (2004).  Teaching critically & creatively: Hong Kong community studies.  Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies.  In Chinese.  陳潔華,《批判思考,創意敎學:香港社區敎育》香港: 香港大學亞洲硏究中心, 2004.

Dr. LAU Leung Kwok, Prudence


黃棣才、劉亮國和香港教育大學香港教育博物館(著)、李子建、鄭保瑛和鄧穎瑜(編) (2020):《搖籃地:中西區教育今昔》,香港,中華書局 (香港) 有限公司。

Prof. LIN Mei Yi, Angel 


  1. Lo, Y. Y., & Lin, A. M. Y. (Eds.). (2021). Teaching, Learning and Scaffolding in CLIL Science Classrooms. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 

  2. García, O., Lin, A. M. Y., & May. S. (Eds.). (2017). Bilingual and multilingual education. Springer. 

  3. Lin, A. M. Y. (2016). Language across the Curriculum & CLIL in English as an Additional Language (EAL) Contexts: Theory and Practice. Springer. 

  4. Lin, A. M. Y., & Man, E. Y. F. (2009). Bilingual Education: Southeast Asian Perspectives. Hong Kong University Press.

  5. Kubota, R., & Lin, A. (Eds.). (2009). Race, Culture, and Identities in Second Language Education: Exploring Critically Engaged Practice. Routledge.

  6. Lin, A. M. Y. (Ed.). (2008). Problematizing Identity: Everyday Struggles in Language, Culture, and Education. Routledge. 

  7. Luk, J. C. M., & Lin, A. M. Y. (2007). Classroom Interactions as Cross-cultural Encounters: Native Speakers in EFL Lessons. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 

  8. Lin, A. M. Y., & Martin, P. W. (Eds.). (2005). Decolonisation, Globalisation: Language-in-education Policy and Practice. Multilingual Matters.

  9. Li, D. C. S., Lin, A. M. Y., & Tsang, W. K. (Eds.). (2000). Language and Education in Postcolonial Hong Kong. Linguistic Society of Hong Kong.

Dr. NG, Fung Sheung Isabella


Dr. Wang, Meng Stella


Wang, S. M. (2023). Space and Everyday Lives of Children in Hong Kong: The Interwar Period. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.

Mr. WONG, Yu Bon Nicholas


  1. Wong, N. (2021). Besiege me. US: Noemi Press.​

  2. 黃裕邦和李薇婷(編)(2021)《困頓之書:雙語文集》,香港,香港中文大學出版社。

  3. 黃裕邦 (著),徐晞文 (譯) (2018):《天裂》,香港,水煮魚文化製作有限公司。

  4. Wong, N. (2015). Crevasse. New York: Kaya Press.

  5. Wong, N. Y. B. (Ed.). (2012). Cities of sameness. New York: Desperanto.

  6. Wong, Y. B. N. (2009). Learning English through popular culture. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press.

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